Sunday, February 23, 2025

Tri-Valley upends Fieldcrest for last regular season home game.

  Tri-Valley hosted Fieldcrest in the last home regular season varsity boys basketball last night. The Vikings were victorious over the Knights by 10 points. It's off to the state Regionals for both teams

Check out the photos at Alan Look Photography

Sunday, February 16, 2025

U-High Pioneers boys basketball complete home season with win over Sacred Heart Griffin Cyclones

   Spent Senior Night at University High School Pioneers to see the boys basketball team in a thriller against the Cyclones of Sacred Heart Griffin.  The Pioneers got off to a real slow start but after picking up the pace, the game was pretty tight with a finish of a difference of 2 points with the walk off smiles going to the Pioneers.

Post Season is up next!

Find all the Bloomington Normal Sports Photos and Central Illinois Sports Photos at Alan Look Photography, the Best Look in sports action photography !

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Potters Rest Atop Ironmen

 The Morton Potters and the Normal Ironmen met up on Saturday January 4th in the east gym of Normal Community High School. Spectators fill little more than half the stands. The Potters hit first and last with the score a 4 or 5 point difference for much of the contest. The Potters pulled away in the final 2 minutes to rest on top of the Ironmen by 10 points at the final buzzer. #Mortonpotters #NCHSAthletics #AlanLookPhotography #Bloomington-NormalSportsPhotos

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

2024 State Farm Holiday Classic Coed Basketball Tournament Champs!

 The State Farm Holiday Classic Coed Basketball Tournament ended its four day run in Bloomington - Normal at the Shirk Center on Monday December 30th.  Dozens of games played at 4 venues gives plenty of time for photo ops for Best Look Magazine for those coveted Bloomington - Normal Sports Photos.  Our coverage was a little limited this year as we only were able to cover a couple of days of The Classic.  Teams we were privileged to cover were the Bloomington Central Catholic Saints boys and girls teams, El Paso - Gridley Titans boys, University High Pioneer boys, Tri-Valley Viking boys, North Lawndale Chicago Prep boys, St. Joe - Ogden boys, Bishop McNamara Irish girls, Bradley Bourbonnais boys, and Normal Community Ironmen boys.

Winners for this years tournament were:

Small School girls - Camp Pt. Central/Augusta Southeastern over Bloomington Central Catholic Saints 62-35

Small School boys - Pectonica over St. Joe - Ogden 67-54

Large School girls - Washington over Normal Community 61-43

Large School boys - Peoria over Romeoville 61-44

Cheers to The Classic Committee and all the volunteers that make this annual event a reality!

Find our world class images here:

Sunday, December 22, 2024

2024 Review in Pictures for Bloomington - Normal Sports

So much water under the bridge this year. I could add a lot of context to this post but I think I'll just let the images speak for the year. 50 of several thousand frames this year. Maybe not the best ones, but I like them all for what they say to me. I can't post 50, so click the link and enjoy!

World class images from the Best Look in Sports Action Photography in Bloomington - Normal, McLean County and the 309 area code.

Sunday, December 15, 2024

#1 Vols drop Illini by 2.

  Illini men's basketball played a tough game and suffered an even tougher 2 point loss to the current #1 ranked Tennessee Volunteers last night. Here's a few images from the 2nd cut. 1st cut images available for licensing at Zuma Press.

Saturday, December 14, 2024

12-13-2024 Normal Community West High School Wildcats Basketball defeated by Richwood Knights

  From my chair, the West v Richwoods varsity boys basketball game looked closer than it ended up. West fell short on a 50-36 game. West has what seems to be an unusually young bunch of ballers with just 3 seniors on the team. Two or three of the starters for this game were sophomores and very hard working young men!

Be sure to check out all this games and this seasons photos at